SMARTmodel Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Does SMARTmodel apply to my business?
A: If your business is magazine or newsletter publishing, a membership or subscription-based business, most definitely YES! The SMARTmodel planning system is used by small and large publications -- controlled or paid circulation -- for planning circulation efforts, managing print orders, forecasting long range financial plans and generating detailed budgets.
Q: Our company publishes multiple titles. Can SMARTmodel consolidate financials for each title?
A: Yes. Each title can have multiple financial plans that can be consolidated with other plans in one overall financial report. Furthermore, the system features a “Chinese wall” methodology that allows the overall financial planning department to consolidate circulation budgets with other departmental budgets.
Q: How is data uploaded into SMARTmodel? How can a budget model be actualized?
A: After setting up a planning model the SMARTmodel production feed module allows you to initialize and update subscription production and income/expenses directly from your fulfillment sources.
Q: Does Ladd Associates provide budget model building, training and support services?
A: Yes. Ladd developed the SMARTmodel system after many years of providing circulation planning and general consulting services to publishing clients. Our consultants have extensive experience developing business plans for start-ups, evaluating acquisitions and providing on-going planning services for publications of all sizes and types. Clients value this experience during training and on-going support services provided by Ladd.
Q: How often are new software releases and updates issued? Is there a fee for this service?
A: Generally, minor updates are issued every three to six months. Updates are posted on our website for downloading by all licensed users. Every year or so, we release a major upgrade to our system. These upgrades, along with revised documentation, are shipped to all licensed users at no charge.
Q: What operating platforms does SMARTmodel support?
A: SMARTmodel is a PC-based and network ready system that can also be accessed via the Web using Citrix™ and Windows™ Terminal Servers.
Q: What does a license to SMARTmodel cost?
A: The system is leased for one to three year terms for license fees that range from $4,800 to $48,000 per annum depending on number of users, titles/products, and organization size.
Use the form below to contact us for an estimate or to have us prepare a cost-benefit analysis for you.